Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I've got several post ideas running through my head right now, so this might be a potpurri.

First of all, does anyone know why I've got this ginormous space at the top of my blog? It bugs me to no end, appeared out of nowhere, and I would dearly like it to go away. Any suggestions?

Secondly, have you come to confession lately? Bryan Wilhite and I are teaching about confession on Sunday mornings in a class that I'm really enjoying. Currently there are 8 of us showing up with any frequency, so there are still spots available.

Thirdly, Jennifer and I had an interesting, albeit brief, conversation about our favorite movie of 2006. I learned that it is very difficult to remember all the movies you see in a year without some sort of visual aid, so I'm going to try to save my ticket stubs this year so I can look back with a clearer perspective on great movies of 2007. As for 2006, I voted for Pulse, which was scary, entertaining, thought provoking, and stars Veronica Mars' protagonist Kristen Bell. What is your vote?

Finally, I guess I ought to talk about New Years resolutions in much the same way as Kelly and Wade did. Generally speaking, I'm not someone who does resolutions, but I do have a couple this year.

  1. Enforce the school dress code more effectively- I have often complained that I spend more time fixing problems then teaching class. I have also often complained that kids dress in wildly inappropriate ways. What can I say, I'm getting old and I don't want to have to see 12 year olds' boxer shorts anymore, so I'm going to give up 30 seconds of class time a day to teach those kids where their waist is.
  2. Be More Organized- I am not, by nature, an organized person. As a result, I find myself constantly reinventing the wheel every year. Beri gave me some excellent suggestions about how to plan in such a way that I can teach effectively and still experience less stress.
  3. Stick to a budget- A few scant years ago, I was making almost $12,000 a year at the UPS store, and now I make somewhere closer to $40,000. Yay, me. Unfortunately, I've completely forgotten what it was like to have to make due on that little sum. We are making a conscious effort to eat out less (except on Sunday's when we really let loose), and I am sadly having to cut my comic book expenses down significantly. I have already decided to stop collecting 16 series, so I may be losing my status as the consumate comic book geek.
  4. Be Happier- Okay, I may offend here. Have you ever noticed that there are never Islamic terrorists at an amusement park? I caught the tail end of a documentary the other day wherein a group of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian kids were put together and forced to sight see in Israel and Spain. The conversation among these groups was very tense in Israel, as they were surrounded by solemn religious iconography and symbols of ageless, endless battle. In Spain, however, they went to an amusement park and a nightclub. The conversation relaxed, all three groups began to smile and be happy. They still were able to talk about their differences, but the tone of the conversation became one of inquiry and not judgment. It occured to me that you never see Islamic terrorists in amusement parks, because who would want to become a suicide bomber once they've gone down a log flume or had a funnel cake? Once we see how much happiness there can be in the world, perspective sort of takes care of itself. I'm going to strive to see the beauty and happiness that God has placed in this world for me, because I think it will help me overcome the little things that take me off course.

    Well, there you go. Do you have any resolutions you would like to share?


Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

I hate log flumes. They do make me angry, though I'm not given to terror.

I don't go to the movies much anymore. Was Curious George a 2006 movie? That was fun.

2:39 PM  
Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

Oh, and I figured out the giant blank area is a place for Terry to collapse when he reads this.

Now, I realize that there are other regulars here who know more about math than me, but it seems you could still get your 16 titles if you got rid of Meat on a Stick.

Est. cost per person at Meat on a Stick $40.00
Est. people eating said Meat from said Stick 20
Total spent at Meat on a Stick $800.00

Nice dinner for phylemon & january embers (may or may not envolve swords) $100.00
Remainder to save Lewisville comic economy $700.00

Lewisville Sales Tax Rate 8.25%
PreTax Spend on Comics $646.65
Discount available to phylemon at his LCS of choice 10.00%
Purchase Power expressed in Cover Price $718.50
Typical Cover Price of single issue $2.99
Typical Issues available for purchase 240

Of course, some issues will be 3.99 for big events so in reality the number may be a bit lower.

3:00 PM  
Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

I meant to say involve, not envolve. Also, I'm totally guessing about the $40 and 20 people. But it was dark and the table was very long.

3:08 PM  
Blogger GliterallyScoot said...

ha ha ha ha! I think, if I listen carefully...yep, yeah definitely what that sound is...Terry is crying.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Good post Paul...and funny comments keeperofthebooks! Here here on the dress code resolution!

I'd have to say the best movie of 2006 for me was Little Miss Sunshine. I haven't laughed out loud that hard in a really long time. I guess something strange in me likes movies about dysfunctional us all something to relate to. :)

8:50 PM  
Blogger Kent said...

Ok, a couple thoughts on your post:

1.) I am happy to hear that you are having a confession class. I think the sooner we in the church get back to admitting that church is a place for sick people who sin, the better. Our tendency is to dress up nice on Sunday and as soon as we get in the parking lot to act as though we are perfect little Christians, when that's not the case. I am glad that you are emphasizing confession. I hope people at VRCC take your class.

2.) I, like Randy, love Meat on the Stick but that is a way to solve your problem with the comic books. Also, you could not buy two appetizers for everyone when you go out. It's appreciated but you would probably save some money there also. I guess what we are saying, Paul, is be more selfish. You are so generous to us. You deserve to enjoy your hard-earned money every once in a while.

3.) Finally, my favorite movie was Superman Returns.

Oh, look for my return to blogging shortly. I will send out a message when it happens.

7:19 AM  
Blogger Phylemon said...


How could I possibly forget Little Miss Sunshine? It was really funny. I spent the first half of the movie worrying about the relationship between the grampa and little girl, but when there was apparently nothing untoward about it, I was able to just enjoy the movie.


I guess my expectations were just too high for Superman Returns. Plot wise it was okay, and Kevin Spacey is an excellent Lex Luthor, but Brandon Routh is no Christopher Reeve and the focus was too much on the special effects and not enough on the story telling for my taste. I'm also uncomfortable with the quintessential American hero having premaritial sex and fathering a kid out of wedlock. Supes just wouldn't do that.

Kent and Randy,

I really appreciate your trouble shooting the financial issue for me, but it really isn't that great of a sacrifice. I am giving up 16 comics a month, which means I'm only going to be pulling the other 70 on my list. Poor me!

Besides, it's an issue of priorities. I would give it all up; every issue of every comic book I've ever collected, every heroclix, every action figure, and every hour I have recorded on my DVR before I gave up the opportunity to once a year demonstrate how thankful I am for your friendships.

8:05 AM  
Blogger Kent said...


8:41 AM  
Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

Can't resell friends on Ebay. Except in Nevada, of course.

9:01 AM  
Blogger GliterallyScoot said...

Ooooh reselling friends. I need to move to Nevada.

10:04 AM  
Blogger january embers said...

These comments are AWESOME! Thanks for the much needed laugh on my all-too-short lunch break on a day when I had a 3.25 hour meeting about assessment. YUK!

Kelly - you are SO right about Little Miss Sunshine. Definitely a stand-out in what was apparently for the Hylemons a forgettable movie year.

You guys rock, and deserve more Meat on a Stick than we could ever provide! :)

12:52 PM  
Blogger Eric Swayne said...

1. The space at the top of your blog is because of the template you're using. Take it from a web guy - designing your own template takes a little time. There's a billion free Blogger templates out there - go pick one that makes ya happy.

2. Yes, I had to look up Kristen Bell in IMDB. No, I don't watch Veronica Mars. Yes, I do think she looks like Sarah Chalke.

3. Budgets are hard, and I suck at them. Larissa and I have committed to being better at it ourselves, because pretty soon we're going to need to know how we can pay for some of this stuff we're going to need. If you need to commiserate about the Lamentations of Ledgers, gimme a call.

4. I've also made a commitment to myself to be better about posting on my friends' blogs. Once I get mine back in order, I expect ya'll to return the favor. Oh, and click on my Google Ads. We need the dough. :-)

5. I'd like to win the award for "Most Unique Way to Supplement Your Budget," so here we go. I happened upon a site called DayTipper. The premise is pretty simple - submit a good tip, and we'll pay you $3. I've submitted some tips that have been accepted, but I won't get money from them until they get published, which will happen whenever they feel like it. I'll let you know when I get some money from them.

6. Research says people like lists. It also says they like ones with at least six items.

9:17 AM  
Blogger GliterallyScoot said...

1. I always make lists on my blogs...and have pictures.
2. That means it's appealing to the eyes.
3. That means you should read my blog.
4. A general rule of art and cake decorating is that things are more aesthetically appealing in odd numbers.
5. Therefore look how pretty Paul's blog is with an odd number of comments!

9:33 AM  
Blogger Eric Swayne said...

Oooooo... someone's writing comments on a blog while they should be teaching... I'm gonna tell... :-)

9:45 AM  
Blogger Phylemon said...

I hate to ruin the oddness of my comments, so maybe someone can respond after me to keep things odd. Eric, how easy is it to change from one template to another? Will I lose everything and be starting fresh? I appreciate it.

9:48 AM  
Blogger GliterallyScoot said...

Good, you figured out the template thing.

Now, Eric, I am actually sticking out my tounge at you. :-P I was on my conference period. Now I'm on my lunch...dude my mornings are so slow!

Uh oh, this is making an even number of posts. Sorry Paul, your blog isn't pretty anymore.

Is there a new mort on this blog template? What's the 03 at the top for? I think we should all guess and decide what it should stand for -- my vote is that it's the number of times an hour that Paul thinks about heroclix.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Phylemon said...

Sorry, Joanna, you caught me in mid transition. I think I like the new template, although the "nature boy" motif doesn't make anyone think of me right of the bat. I'm also saddened that I had to delete the "Jennifer has Super Powers" entry to make it look right. Apparently, this template hates large pictures.

And three is far too small a number, Joanna.

Also, I'm back to odd comments again.

1:47 PM  

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