A Very Brief Post

As you can see, I took care of the big space at the top of my blog by changing my template, although it appears that the real culprit was the oversized picture of Superman I had on here. I unfortunately had to delete the "Jennifer has Super Powers" entry, which was one of my favorites.
If you hadn't noticed, Joanna has been kicking my butt on the updating of the blog. Stop by her site if you get a chance.
I'm on my way to pick up comics in a few minutes (Justice Society of America, Thunderbolts, and Welcome to Tranquility are eagerly anticipated this week). I have had to make some tough cuts, but I think that I will make my budget this month.
What I am about to say has to be understood in context. Most of you know that I can be a somewhat extravagant person. I'm like most of us in the fact that I like getting what I want, but there is also something in me that is kind of digging the restraint aspect of my life under the budget. When I figured out that I could live in my comic book budget, I got a tremendous sense of accomplishment. It is interesting to consciously choose to live beneath your means, to look at your life and divide the essentials from the superfluous things that clog up our lives. So, my question to you is what are your essentials? What could you live without if you really had to? In the picture above, you see a couple of my essentials.
Have a great day!
Red and Blue stripes are essentials for you? Hm.
Things I can and have learned to live without:
- getting a pedicure and solar nails (I'm letting my nails wear off now, and I can paint my own nails.)
- eating steak more than once or twice a month
- having meat every meal for that mattter
- a land line for my phone
- internet service at home
- TiVo (really would like that though)
- heat as high as I'd like or air conditioning as cool as I'd like
- ALL the impulse buys I'd really like to make
- There are more. To pay off SaladMaster, I've really cut back.
Things I won't give up:
- my cell phone
- comic books
- eating out on Sundays and Wednesdays
- picking up breakfast or dinner at fast food when I want to
- a good sale at Lane Bryant
- SPRINKLES (goodness, he costs a lot of money!)
-Oh wait, do I have to go super essentials like electricity, plumbing, a roof over my head, nourishment...?
Good questions....here's a quick stab at it:
Can Live Without:
* the 2nd Diet Coke of the day
* music on in the car
* 300 cable TV stations
* eating out several nights a week
* Target shopping trips (that's a hard one, though)
* fancy car wash
* movies at the theatre
* magazine subscriptions-Ladies Home Journal, Southern Living, and Redbook
Can't Live Without:
* quality time with family and friends (good thing it's free!)
* the 1st Diet Coke of the day
* DVR (which includes the recordings of Oprah, American Idol, and The Office)
* magazine subscriptions - Newsweek and parenting/baby magazines
* laptop computer
* Tex-Mex at least once a week
* Target's $1 Spot and Clearance aisles
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