Monday, July 07, 2008

When the words won't come

Well, what do you know? I'm blogging again. I wouldn't expect this to be a regular habit. As I mentioned on my Mort Game blog, I am now without access to a computer during the day, and can only use Jennifer's when she brings it home from work and isn't using it herself. The problem with waiting so long between blogs is that all the things you teased talking about no longer seem very important. Anyway, I promised I would blog about a couple of things, so I guess here you go:

1. Why the cats were wearing collars- Um, because they were fixed (and declawed) and wanted to take the stitches out. That doesn't seem like much of a story, but they are all better now, if that helps. Here are pictures to prove the point:

That picture really makes me laugh.

2. Joining a Gym - Uh, yeah, we joined a gym. It has a pool, which rocks, but I got a pretty bad sunburn, which does not. I haven't been back since, but I haven't given up on the idea.

3. The joys of cooking class- Jennifer and I went to a cooking class for our 8th wedding anniversary (way back at the beginning of June). It was a lot of fun, and I am really desparate to go again. There is one right before my birthday, but Jennifer is laying down the ultimatum that it is either cooking class or meat on a stick, and I'm not sure I liked the class that much. The class we did go to was really good, as Jennifer learned how to make risotto and I learned that I really like it when Jennifer makes risotto. It was truly fun and I recommend it to any of you with the time, interest, and disposable income.

Okay, new business.

1. I'm clean shaven for the first time in ten years!

Our church VBS was really a lot of fun this year, but I had to grow out my beard to play the part of Andrew / Jairus, and summers in Texas are hot. Anyway, here is the shot for posterity, since the change will likely be short lived.

2. VRCC recently installed new deacons. So, So, SOOOOO happy for these new men who I will be serving beside. Our deaconship was starting to dwindle, so new blood is a very good thing.

3. Job stress - So, I submitted my resignation to the Irving Independent School District and am no longer under their employ, which would be fine, but I do not sign my contract with Lewisville until the middle of July, so I am really and officially unemployed for a couple of weeks. I'm sure it will work out fine, but there is a little voice in the back of my head that is concerned that it will all fall apart and I will have to make some mad job search at the last moment.

Okay, I'm rambling. Have a good week (or so), guys.