Blog Quiz

I decided to shake things up and give you a pop quiz. Don't worry, it's multiple choice and open notes. Good luck.
1. Which of the following inane topics do you want to hear about?
A) Paul's day of physical breakdown- In one day, I slipped in the shower and smacked my head but good, and discovered that my skin reacts very poorly to Booger's medication.
B) The Never Ending Comic- After two straight months, I am almost to the decade of the 80's in my 40 years of the Avengers DVD-Rom, leaving just three more decades to read through. I haven't cracked the DVD-ROM's of the Incredible Hulk, The Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, The X-Men, The Ultimate X-Men, Captain America, or Spiderman. I have a sneaking suspicion that I will have something to keep me busy during my retirement years.
C) The Fading Summer- Wherein I whine about the fact that have to go back to work in like two weeks. Sure to be a popular choice among those of you who are not teachers (and my wife who is already back into the swing of things).
D) The Awesomeness that is The Simpsons' Movie- So worth seeing on the big screen if you are going to see it. The mockery of Disney was my personal laugh out loud moment.
E) Restoration History Recap- I don't know what it is, but I have felt like my Sunday Morning class at VRCC over the history of our movement has missed the mark. I can spend the blog explaining how our movement is the result of enlightenment thinkers struggling with the apparent disunity of God's church. Warning: Only to be read if you are fighting insomnia.
Alright, choose wisely. Remember to bubble in your answers completely with a number two pencil and to erase any stray marks.
I choose E. I haven't been sleeping well lately. ;-) No really, I do choose E, but I think your audience would be entertained more by A. :-) By the way, I've forgotten to put my name in the right place on my scantron, I've used a black pen thinking you won't notice, and I've bubbled two answers in on one question. Did I fail the quiz??
Experiments with veterinary medicine? Embarrassing personal injury? Give me A!!
I don't care what you talk about. I am sure that you will find a way to entertain with whatever is chosen.
I am interested in how the Restoration class is going. That is what I am teaching right now on Wednesday nights here in KY. It is going ok. We are using Doug Foster's book, Renewing God's People. People want to think and believe that we are a people that uses and is influenced by the Bible only but studying Restoration History shows that that is not the case. We are very much a product of the American culture. Now, that doesn't mean that we can't be a people focused on the Bible but we have to be realistic about who we are. Many people in the church struggle with this because they have been told something different their entire lives. I am interested in how the good people at VRCC are wrestling with these things.
I vote for the comics. I want to know what happened to Wasp that made her look all bug like for a while, then why she got better. I'm referring to a time just before Heroes Reborn.
Do the CDs include just the core Avengers title, or are miniseries also on the discs?
Also more Clint Barton talk. He's back but it isn't getting enough press, in my opinion. Do you like him in his new role?
Something about picturing you in the shower doesn't sit well with me. Granted, I lived with you for three years, but still...
So, I'm thinking Restoration class.
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