Two Birds, One Post
So I have two problems. 1) Either there isn't enough going on in my life right now to give you a good blog entry or, more likely, there is too much going on to organize my thoughts into a coherent blog entry (funny how those two things can feel the same) and 2) I am plagued by Joanna's requirement that good blog entries have photos, and I haven't dragged out my camera in a while so all of my pictures are old. In order to get a blog entry, therefore, you are going to have to sit through a bunch of older pictures as I explain what you see, even though it has nothing to do with my life right now.
The first picture requires very little explanation. This is me goofing around with the cats. This picture always makes me laugh, not just because I have the cheesiest smile on my face of all time, but because you can imagine the conversation the cats are having as they stare at each other wondering what the heck the weird fat guy is doing. As a matter of fact, let's make it a contest. Whoever writes the funniest conversation in the comments sectionwill get credit in the next post. By the way, since this appears to be a constant source of confusion, Duchess is in my right arm and Booger is in the left. Seriously, guys, I don't get your kids confused, you could at least remember which of my cats is which.
The next picture is the only one I have on my computer from my wedding. Now, I'm quite confident that somewhere in my house is a big oversized album just chock full of pictures, but this is the only one that I have on my hard drive. A couple of comments here, the big blob of light is my camera's flash, because instead of using some fancy scanner I was lazy and just snapped a digital picture of a paper picture. Worse yet, I snapped a digital picture of a paper picture while the paper picture was still in its glass frame. It's kind of scary thinking about all the people at work that come to me to solve their computer issues when I look at the brillant solutions I've devised like this one. Secondly, the man in the picture with me is my father. Those of you who know me well know that I don't talk alot about my family. Alot of that is because I'm a largely self-focused individual who lives in the moment and doesn't reflect on the past, and part of it is that my parents went through a bitter divorce shortly after I got out of college and I'm not yet in a place to deal with it myself. Be that as it may, my father is just about the greatest man I've ever known, someone I aspire to be like, and someone I am thankful to have as a part of my life.
And on a lighter note, here is a picture of me eating pizza in North Carolina. This is from the now infamous Nags Head vacation. I'm sure I shared the story that our plane left DFW at what I affectionately call before-o-clock in the morning, and because of all manner of hiccups, didn't arrive until late in the afternoon. Jennifer and I were famished when we finally got to sit down and have this pizza, so it was the best pizza ever! It's funny how when you are particularly hungry, anything tastes like heaven. Is there a spiritual parrallel here? Do we encounter people in our lives who are so hungry for truth that anything they are given seems like the Truth? Are we some of those hungry people? Let's just call that food for thought.
Okay, last picture. It is of Kaleb, shortly after Jennifer and I tried to feed him during one of our baby-sitting adventures. If you can't tell, he was eating peas, or some similarly green vegtable. He was a better man than I am to eat the mashed up paste, but he finished it all up (That's my second food reference, I may need to go eat dinner). Anyway, I grabbed this picture because Kaleb looks beyond cool here, but it is only one of a ton of pictures I have of friends' kids. Jennifer and I decided a couple of years ago that children probably weren't in our future, but I can't tell you how blessed I am to be able to interact with the children in our little circle of friends. My weekly conversations with Katelyn about what comic books she is reading are starting to become one of my favorite reasons to come to church, and I know Jennifer feels cheated if she gets out of the building without a little "Kaleb-time". This weekend, we were able to spend some extended time with Lukas, who is really shaping up to be quite the little man (little horizontally, not vertically) and looks beyond spiffy in his helmet. It takes my breath away some times to look forward five or ten years and watch what great young people all of these kids are going to become. With the parents they have, I am confident that our future is in great hands.

Alright, I'm rambling. I love you, guys.
Booger: "Okay, on three, we go for the nipples..."
Sorry, but I remember Booger, and that's right up his alley.
"Dog fighting is wrong. But cat juggling. Cat juggling is funny."
Ha ha ha! love that one, keeper!
"When I hit the lights, you go through his pockets."
Love you, too . . . (awkward silence) . . . k, bye!
It's been a week. How's Paul?
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