I't Me, It's Me, it's Paul-y B.

I can't believe I only posted once in February! Hopefully March will be more productive, although I have low expectations of that being the case. As I've mentioned in my last two posts, I can't download pictures from my digital camera to my computer because I lost the USB cable that transmits that data (notice how I finally stopped calling it a dohicky?). Does anyone know if they make a replacement one of those, because I really don't want to have to buy a whole new camera. Anyway, it seems pointless to post without new pictures to post alongside.
For those interested in an update about the Renaissance Hotel, it was awesome; one of the best Valentine's ever (comparable to the time Jennifer bought me Resident Evil 2 when we were dating). We did have a view of the Dallas skyline, which was breath taking, while the Cheese/Fruit and Cookie/Milk trays were delicious. T Bones also would have been awesome, except I was really full of fruit, cheese, and cookies before we ever got there. We should have thought that one through a little better.
I'm a little light on material to post about, but here is the short hand version:
1. New Church Building- We are up and running at the new Church building. There is a learning curve with the new place (I can't quite get a handle on how to administer communion and gather servers), but with familiar faces in the pew, it is starting to feel like home.
2. Odd students- I have had two different issues with student oddness in the last few days that mystify me. The first was when I had students come up to the board and demonstrate how to work a problem (which was basically me asking leading questions until they got to the right answer). It was a grade, and a virtual guaranteed 100 if the students tried, but I had one girl that absolutely refused. Even when I threatened a zero, a detention, and a much more difficult and boring alternative assignment, she still refused to take the easy 100. I get that to some degree, because public speaking can be a big fear, but it was an easy grade, so now I have this assignment with 119 students getting a 100 and one student with a zero. The second example of oddness was more perplexing. We were correcting a test, which involves me pairing the class based off score (highest scorer with lowest scorer, next highest with next lowest, etc.). Again, I had one girl (a different one from the first) who just refused to work with the student she was paired with. Now I teach Middle School, so I'm used to drama, so I assumed that there was some story behind her refusal to join her partner. Nope! According to her, she just doesn't "talk to him" because they don't "know" each other. Again, I tried to explain to her that her grade was dependent on her working with her partner, that there would be negative consequences if she refused to work, and even acted out how civilized people begin conversations with people they don't "know", but she insisted that it felt "weird" to ask her partner what he got as an answer to number 1. She chose to fail instead of working with someone she didn't "know". Now, y'all know that I'm not the social butterfly, but this easily had two of the three rules involved.
3. Depression- I don't know what is going on, but I've been battling the blues on and off for more than a week. It hasn't been constant, and I have had more than a few "up" days, but I've had just about as many "down" days. I'm feeling very incompetent, like I can't say or do the right thing. So, if you noticed me being off the last little while, that's why. Pray for me as I try to shake this.
Anyway, you are always in my prayers.
The birds make a smiley face.
Of course they make replacement USB camera cables. They make replacements for everything.
How funny. I thought, "That smiley face is made up of birds!"
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