The "Fight"

Alright, now here is where my ego is getting the better of me. I was on the ground no longer than two seconds. I immediately got up, confronted the student again, and successfully restrained him until the principal arrived to escort the student to the office. Almost immediately, however, the story spread how "Mr. Hylemon was dropped" by a student. Now, in all honesty I could care less what a bunch of kids think of my fighting prowess (like this is really a measure of my worth as a man or a teacher), but I became more troubled throughout the day and since the incident by the number of my co-workers who were not present for the event coming to me and asking me with deathly seriousness, "Are you okay?" and sympathizing with me how "wild" the kids are this year. It seems somehow overly defensive to protest that the situation was overblown, that I was a victim of my own clumsiness and not of an ill behaved child, so I let the comments go, but that feels just as wrong, as it's only adding credence to the erroneously reported version of events.
So, that is the story of my first big school "fight" and the resulting fallout. To be honest with you, I'm kind of over it now and I only mentioned it because I promised to do so. Next week I'll have something more entertaining.
Sorry, man!
For that very reason I don't think I could ever teach in high school - not that any educational institution would have me teach at any level.
But I hate seeing kids getting bullied, especially by bigger kids. Growing up, I always wanted to come to the rescue of the smaller kids. But that proved to be difficult seeing how quite often it was me who was getting bullied!
Ah, fun times!
Glad your ego is intact! :)
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