It's still Raining . . .

Have you ever had one of those days where it doesn't matter how much you do, how hard you work, how noble your intentions, you are still a dismal failure and disappointment to those around you? Yeah, that's my week. I've been called everything from an incompetent teacher to a tool of Satan this week. I've made two students cry and one threaten to slash my tires. I'm drained, deep in my soul, and I need to refocus on those things that matter. Pray for me, and know that no matter how badly I mess up, I'm doing the best I can.
Praying right now...
You know that just because someone calls you something it doesn't mean you really are that, right? I could call you the best Spanish speaker I know and that wouldn't make it true! :) Of course, when I say you are a good friend who is doing the best he can just like we all are, that's very true! LOL! Don't be so hard on yourself. I find that I am my own worst critic and I know for sure that is one trait we have in common. That, my friend, is how Satan brings you low--by making you doubt yourself.
Again, praying away over here in the Land of Hebron...
Part of perserverance is fighting through the crud long enough to see the fruits of your labor; of which I am certain you have many.
LaRae is absolutely right. Give Satan a swift kick in the shin and know that better days are ahead!
I attack myself a lot more than others attack me, Paul. As a friend, I see you do the same a lot. Head up, young man, things are not always as bad as they seem. You are not always the big bad meany that your kids will act like you are when they don't get their way, and the only way you can get out of the rain is to buy an umbrella. Randy once told me I needed a teflon raincoat to deal with parents... perhaps you could use one as well to deal with other things. Paul, I love you so much, and I respect you a lot, so don't take what I've said as mean - spirited. I'm saying it because, while I'm praying for you (in the Land of 3040!), I also know you sometimes need to hear that to come out of a slump. Hope it helps somewhat. Cheer up! It's Friday!
All I will say is that you just made the zombie thing seem cheery.
Oh, and I stole the raincoat bit from someone at Harding.
LaRae, so now you kick me when I'm down because I can't speak Spanish, huh? Seriously, thank you for your kind words, they aren't lost on me.
Wade, I appreciate the pep talk. It is difficult to see the fruits when everyone else is complaining about your gardening, but it is good to know that they are still there.
Joanna, wow, I am fairly certain that was the first time you've ever called me "young man", and I love you to. You are one of my dearest friends, and I understand the spirit in which you say the things you have said, and appreciate it.
Randy, I will try to return to the issue of zombies in a future post just for you. Also, you should know that stealing is a crime, and we as a people are all about following the laws.
The lady didn't have a clear claim of ownership to the idea. And I'm pretty sure when I originally said it, I didn't offer it as my own thinking.
You are one of my heroes and one of my leaders. I am sorry to hear that you are having struggles but know that you are looked up to by many of us.
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