Monday, March 05, 2007

Spring Break or Bust!

About Wednesday of last week my principal sent an email out to all the teachers with that title in roughly 32 point font. You know you are taking a beating when even the public face of the school is ready for the break. My class is on autopilot until the Break, which starts at the end of the day on Friday for us. I've made copies and planned lessons, none of which are overly exciting, but all of which will keep the kids quiet and working until the bell rings at 3:45 on Friday. It's bad, I know, but this is the week that a tight leash has to be kept, because someone taught these kids that murder is acceptable as long as it happens the week before a big vacation.

Anyway, the real reason I am posting is to let you know about next week. From what I understand, our rental home has free hi-speed internet, which means updating shouldn't be a problem. If this turns out to be true, I will try to update daily like Andrew Deister does when he takes big trips. If this doesn't work out, I will give you a big post when I return. Until then, here is another picture, this one from the Kitty Hawk Memorial that Jennifer and I will visit sometime next week.

I'm a little down today, by the way, so pray for me if you get a chance. Okay, last North Carolina picture until next week. Here is a pretty Sunset overlooking one of the fishing piers.


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