We're Here, but we're Naked
Security was, to put it mildly, thorough. After we removed our shoes and belts and cell phones and appendixes to put them through the X-Ray machine, I walked through the Metal detector with no problems. Jennifer, on the other hand, was missing part of her boarding pass, so she was forced back into the cattle call that is the U.S. Airways check in. Do you know that helpless feeling when you're separated from your loved one against your will? It isn't enjoyable. To make matters worse, as soon as I gathered my materials together, what did I find in between my wallet and my left shoe? That's right, the other part of Jennifer's boarding pass. Wanting to spare Jennifer the needless standing in line, I decided to be the sacrificial male and leave the terminal to find her, even though it would mean going through the heinous security again. For the record, if you ever want to play the part of the sacrificial male in a situation like this, don't ask the security person who just looked at your laptop warily where the exit to the terminal is. To them, this might seem suspicious. To make this really long story only a little longer, Jennifer and I found each other again, once more braved the harrowing security, and got to our gate with no time to spare.
Of course, no time to spare in aviation terms doesn't quite mean what you and I would mean by this. We got to the gate, were allowed on the plane, squeezed into the tiny little airplane seats, and sat in the sweltering plane for forty-five minutes on the tarmac. This, of course, made us late to our connecting flight in Philadelphia, a little two engine contraption with literal propellers. On the positive side, they held the plane for us. On the negative side, they didn't hold the plane for our luggage. So we are finnally here in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina and, as we understand it, our luggage is currently revolving around the baggage claim three hours away in Newport News, Virginia. 
Notice how calm and relaxed Jennifer is in this picture. This was taken in the terminal at Philadelphia. She is so graceful under pressure, even when we thirty minutes late for a flight.
Now, this is Jennifer after dealing with the people of U.S. Airways about our luggage. It has been a difficult day to say the least. Tomorrow, since Jennifer and I will apparently have to be clothed in the only clean outfits we have, our birthday suits, expect lots of pictures of the Vacation home. Don't worry, we will watch out for mirrors. Until then, here are a couple of pictures to whet your appetite.
Ah, but there is so much more to today’s story!
What about the guy on the 6:30 a.m. flight who nearly lost it when he found out that not only would one have to purchase a snack box to get solid food on the 3.5 hour flight, but that it did not even contain breakfast – merely a random collection of airline snacks?
And how about the marvelous planning that placed all connecting puddle jumper flights in a terminal that could only be reached by walking/running, then walking/running on a moving sidewalk, followed by waiting impatiently for the shuttle bus, and surviving the harrowing ride on said shuttle bus, finally dashing down to what can only be described as the absolute end of that terminal to the appropriate gate?
Who could forget the couple (Friends? Dating? Just met on the plane? Not sure….) of college students flying home for Spring Break who yammered non-stop from Philly to Newport News? Inside voices, kids, inside voices….
But if all is revealed today, what will you tune in to read about tomorrow? So I will leave you with this moral of today’s story: when faced with a myriad of choices in airline travel, drive.
I may be the best friend ever but I'm going to have to throw down the TMI card on the naked part. Good luck getting your luggage!
What is the deal everyone has against airplanes with propellers? Why does that scare everyone? People don't say "I have to ride in a car with a 6 cylinder!"
Smaller planes are the best because you actually stay low enough you can see stuff.
Paul and Jennifer travel stories are the best! This one's not as good as the honeymoon story but it's still only a couple days old!
Hi, everyone! We have run into some technical difficulties (dropped Paul's laptop...) so you won't be getting any updates until we get back into town. I am on a local library computer right now.
It suffices to say that we are having a MUCH better time than when last we updated! Yesterday we flew a kite - oh, yeah, on a Tuesday! We've gathered shells on the beach and have taken lots of pics. I think Paul's plan is to do belated updates when we get back into town to let you all know what has transpired.
We DID get our luggage - about 8:30 a.m. on Sunday.
The problem with airplanes with actual propellers... for me, it was the deafening noise. For Paul, I think it is the tiny nature of said propeller driven aircraft. Seriously, I've ridden on bigger buses.
And in writing all that horrible stuff about the airline trip, I did neglect to mention that the landing in Philadelphia was impeccable - one of the best landings I have ever experienced. Really!
I think tomorrow we are going to go to Roanoke Island to see the lost colony and such. If I get a chance to comment again, I will. We love you guys and hope that all is well with you!
Sounds like fun! I've read a fictional series based on Roanoke (Christian historical fiction) that I loved, and I've always wanted to see the island! :-) Glad you got your luggage. Sucks to be Paul's laptop...
If the colony is "lost" can you really "see" it? Hope you guys have a wonderful week. I'm totally jealous!
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