I'm an award winning Geek!
Last week, I mentioned several comic book related blogs for your reading pleasure. One of them, Living between Wednesdays (I love that title) was running a contest about your most prized geeky possession. On a lark, I entered this photo of the awesome painting job that Jennifer and I did (okay, Jennifer did) of the Booster Gold wall in my comic book room. As you will see by following the link, I am officially the geekiest person ever (that may be a bit of an overstatement).
In honor of this, well, honor, and based off of a suggestion that Randy made to me, I wanted to spend a little geek time with you today.
Geek Topic #1- The end of 52 (Spoilers, obviously)

Geek Topic #2- Free Comic Book Day or The FCBD that almost wasn't!
Saturday sucked a little. Jennifer was helping out at the IISD job fair, so she had to leave home at 7:00am. Terry's didn't open until 10:00, so that gave me some lounging time, which should have been awesome. However, Jennifer got as far as the church before figuring out she had a flat tire. In a hurry, she came home and traded cars with me. No big deal, right? Changing a flat tire may take ten to fifteen minutes. However, Jennifer's car didn't have a jack. Luckily, we had an extra jack that I took out of my car before we traded it in for my current car (aren't I a stinker). Unluckily, the lug wrench on the extra jack didn't fit Jennifer's lug nuts, or rather fit them too perfectly, because once the lug nuts were off the wheel they were literally stuck in the lug wrench. In my infinite wisdom (or because I've watched one too many episodes of I love Lucy) I decided that the way to solve it was to get something slippery to loosen the nuts. Lacking in anything approaching manly car fixing stuff, I opted for what I know best: Food! To my eternal surprise, some extra virgin olive oil worked perfectly, at least on the first one. After that, the lug wrench became too slick for me to get any leverage on it. Therefore, I washed the lug wrench off and went to work on the second lug nut, which promptly got stuck because the lug nut was too big for that lug wrench. So I reapplied the EVOO (isn't Rachel Raye great!). It became this sort of ludicrous two step process to get the lug nuts off, but it worked on all of them, except for the last lug nut, which for some reason, was three sizes smaller than all the rest and therefore would not take my lug wrench. I do not have the space to explain every hair brained idea I tried to fix this malady, but let's say that more than a few things got broken and I have some newly earned battle scars. Finally in desperation, I surrendered and vowed to walk to Terry's for FCBD (because that is how loyal I am tomy geekdom). Luckily for me, I happened to notice that there is an auto parts store half a mile down the road. I went in, found a lug wrench, walked back and finished the process of putting on the new tire in like five minutes. Unfortunately, in all of my machinations, I bent the rim of the wheel, but that is a whole other story.
FCBD was only "meh". Terry didn't have everything that I thought he would have when he claimed to be a "Gold Sponsor", but in fairness, neither did Lone Star (which I drove to in my newly minted death car) and they only let you get one item.
Okay, that wasn't entirely a geek story, but it sort of keeps with the theme of the post. Alright, ladies and Gentlemen, my conference period is just about over and I'm out of things to talk about (although as Joanna points out things are better in three's). Feel free to talk about your geekiness in the comments section.
Regarding 52 - I enjoyed the series. I really liked the weekly nature, so I'll probably get Countdown every week too. Overall I found the most of the main story lines interesting. I'm still not sure what the Space story was about, though. Why did it take the GL Corps so long to find them? I enjoyed seeing some characters I don't normally see. But I don't believe even a powerless Superman would sit an entire year out. He would find some way to help. Even if it was getting a Steel suit from John Henry.
The backup features were disappointing. I would have liked to see more done with them.
I'm still not completely clear on the 52 worlds. We're told it started as 52 identical copies of the main DCU world, right? Each picture has S, B, & WW. So I can assume that every character was on every world. Then Mr. Mind changed each one to resemble an old Earth. So now we have Earth 5, which shows us the Marvel Family. That still means there is a Billy Batson on both, right? So in effect, there is Earth 5 Cpt. Marvel and main Earth (1?) Cpt. Marvel, plus however many Cpt. Marvels remain on the other 50 worlds. Is that the way you saw it?
Regarding FCBD - It was great for me. I was able to get 2 comics for my daughter, which she loved. This morning I pulled out the Disney Comics from FCBDs Past for her, and she liked them too. She was a little confused by the Flip-book style of Mickey Mouse/Scrooge McDuck, but she made due.
Thanks to Jan Embers for the heads up about the Snoopy comics. Little Bear liked that one as well.
The only things I wanted to get myself were the Superman & Legion issue, and the Batman Heroclix. I got both, so I'm cool. I purchased a booster of Origins and pulled E Valor, so I was really happy then. I'm really excited about the LOSH starter set this summer.
Congratulations on the Geeky award, a dubious monniker if I ever heard one. But I'm proud of you nonetheless. I tried to think of the geekiest thing I own... It would probably be the "custom" Jeff Emery Star Wars:CCG card that my brother-in-law made for me at the height of the Decipher game's popularity. There is a Light side Jeff Emery: Jedi Knight and a dark side counterpart Ffej Yreme: Sith Apprentice. I'm pretty cool.
My geekiest item is hanging over my TV -- a huge print (framed and on canvas) of the 2nd HP book. Ok ok ok, that coupled with all the other HP stuff in my apartment including a clock that looks like it was made from a blue china plate. I'm definately a Harry Potter nerd. I keep the comic books under wraps a little better.
Congrats again!
You should email me your mailing info so I can send you the book. It's rachellegoguen at gmail dot com.
it's tuesday. where's the update?
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